Sunday, June 29, 2014


好的是老师派我和妹+Joey一组!! 老师我爱你~!


That's encouraging~♥


昨天妹见到个刺猬的公仔很激动地叫“JOHN WATSON!!”


The Doctor:
I'm not running away. But this is one corner in one country in one continent in one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that is a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. And this is so much, SO MUCH, to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm not running away from things. I'm running to them before they flare and fade forever. That's all right. Our lives would never remain the same. They can't. One day, soon maybe, you'll stop. I've known for a while.

Amy Pond: Then why do you keep coming back for us?

The Doctor:
Because you were the first. The first face this face saw. And you were seared onto my hearts, Amelia Pond. Always will be. I'm running to you and Rory before you... fade from me.

Amy Pond: Don't be nice to me. I don't want you to be nice to me.

The Doctor: Yeah you do, Pond. And you always get what you want.

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