Saturday, December 31, 2016


Newt 是这样放的耶,Tina 的则放在她大衣的口袋内。

↑ Tina 的大衣有个小口袋专门放wand的。







Occamy 也不错。是鸟和蛇的合体?!? (实际上每一有两只脚的)
哈哈哈哈想象 Slytherin 的学生把 occamy 当宠物带去学校。
Ron 都可以带只没用的肥老鼠了,别告诉我 Slytherin 没学生没人养蛇。


2016 年的最后一天……



2017 年有什么值得期待的?
其实我除了接下来三个星期的 Sherlock, 没想到这么远呢。


Thursday, December 29, 2016





自从知道有 "Fantastic Beasts" 这套戏后就和Joey说好要一起看了。
身为好孩子的我当然不可以食言,尽管看过了也和 Khei Lai + Joey 再看一次哈哈哈好乖哟~

我人生中第一次和朋友出去看戏是 Form 2 那年和中学朋友看 "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II"
我们在同样的电影院看"Fantastic Beasts"


绵羊她说 "Fantastic Beasts" 好看!! 
(抱 (绵绵我喜欢你

于是我和Joey一直在她身旁念说 Newtina 是绝配哈哈哈(绝!配!

话说之后有聊到说 "Fantastic Beasts" 这系列共五套电影,若每一套都出 Screenplay 的话……我还真会每一本都买的。嗯。


于是 Joey 就来我家了。之后一起去电影院看 "Moana"


(绵羊:“Bojio! 我也要看的!”
(Khei Lai:“Bojio!”

于是我在 Avenue K 的 Popular 找到了这本笔记本:


第二天,Joey,伊玲,绵羊和我一起看 "Rouge 1: A Star Wars Story"


小时候没怎么留意 Star Wars,是去年看了 "The Force Awakens" 后才比较了解这故事。


Because flower crowns are cool (?)



这是我要去KLCC的主要原因 ╮(╯-╰)╭
好多 "Fanastic Beasts" 的摆设!!!

还有 Pop figures 啊!!


《古书堂事件手贴6》? 但那里只有台湾出版,所以超贵的。
《流》? 人家的部落格上介绍的日本小说?
《钢之炼金术师》漫画? 我就差最后三本,但那里卖一本RM19 我之前的才一本RM4.50?!?!
Harry Potter 的周边?
Pop figures? 可六十五啊啊——

Khei Lai:“这边很少少过RM50的书吧”

觉得 Pop figures 的话要就 Newt 和 Tina 一起买,要就两个都不买,所以还是不买了。

最后选了个 "Fantastic Beasts" 的笔记本。♥

“还好我没像你喜欢 Harry Potter 喜欢到酱癫。”

午餐,走了好久,要不嫌太贵,要不就嫌太多人,最后还是回到Food court吃。(趴



从 KLCC 走到Avenue K,最后搭火车到 Mid Valley 才在 Aeon 找到要的衣服。

↑这小姐一直在抓 Pokemon (走了那么远是来孵蛋滴!



Friday, December 23, 2016

Trip to Perak 2016

其他人的都有了就我家没有!?! 据说是水管爆掉?!?!? 
( 经历了那么多次后已经麻木了唉…


第一站,金宝的UTAR。Open day 趁机混进去参观。

UTAR Heritage Hall 外头的雕像。这是……中西合璧?

一次去INTI Subang时觉得挺不错的,之后才发现还好就几个高高的建筑物啦。另外A level的学生都大都在8和9楼上课,也没啥。走来走去都是同样地方。
第一次去 Sunway 时也觉得 sunway 好大,只是太多人好拥挤(外加跳楼事件),不喜欢。 


 Gua Tempurung (椰壳洞)
话说我还是不明白哪一边像椰壳了啊? 干嘛叫椰壳洞?

对于山洞我印象中只有Batu Caves.

让我想起 Gringotts 耶~

爸:“哪个是 stalagmite 哪个是 stalactite ?”
诶诶 Harry 有问过同样的问题!!!

  "I never know," Harry called to Hagrid over the noise of the cart, "what's the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite?"
  "Stalagmite's got an "m" in it, " said Hagrid. "An' don' ask me questions just now, I think I'm gonna be sick...
—— JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter Five: Diagon Alley.

Yes I'm a huge potterhead bye.

Kellie's Castle


自1926年后就被遗弃了(会记得这年份是因 Fantastic Beasts 的故事也在这一年咳咳)建好的一部分也毁了一大半。


既然没建好就没多少 'Haunted'的感觉了。



Kellie's castle 是位从 Scotland 来的商人 William Kellie Smith 建给他老婆的。

可因William Smith肺炎死去,这“建给老婆”的城堡她老婆也不要了,把这没建完的城堡卖给英国公司后回苏格兰过生活去。

Kuala Sepetang



下雨时爬(其实只是走? 有楼梯的)上霹雳洞的山顶,

之后我妹的男友又过来(话说我第一次知道拍拖那么快就见家长了?! 还双方都见了?!),
晚上去 Lost world of Tambun 的温泉,(因此我头发变草了。好粗。)



Friday, December 16, 2016

2016...been there, done that

Annndd yup, here am I, back on blogger because I'm too bored to study anything. (Lays on floor

2017 was going to end in a few weeks time.
2016 remained a shitty year with Brexit, IS, Trump (→ but it's a good topic to discuss tho) and bombings in Syria etc.

Even our beloved country:
(read newspapers
"He's such a XX"
Friend: "Ikr."

It's either we'd grown up and started to pay attention on incidents happening around the world or 2016 is really a year with bad plot.
I prefer the latter.

Besides, lot of changes happened in my life this year ... if you considered graduating A level and going into university as 'changes'.
(no more A level past years YEAHH
(Seriously tho those things makes you wonder whether you're studying or you're just learning to sit through exams.
(I've never felt this useless before

Traveled with friends ☑
It turned out to be A levels friends instead of highschool friends. Aish.

Sleep at friend's house ☑
Been there, done that.
Social anxiety to the max.
No it's not the host's problem it's my problem.
Never doing it again unless it includes travelling.

Got into university ☑
...after a number of discussion with lecturers about where am I going to study.
My econs lecturer kept telling us to study overseas but no monneyyy
(and my results wasn't good enough for scholarships.

Wear contact lense ☑
(pushed specs in anime-style
(Ahh I didn't wear specs today

Went to Khei Lai's hostel ☑
...more than once because I was bored.
Still remember that stupid game I played on her tablet hahahahahaha

Finished piano Grade 8 theory exam ☑
Thank goodness it's FINALLY over~

Pokemon Go ☑
Went to the park outside SCM to catch pokemon lol
But I gave up playing this game. UNMC banned it hmph.

Walk to school ☑
After so many years I can finally do the eat-bread-run-to-school thing hahahaha *ahem* not that I'll do it...*ahem..?

Went for a few trips in M'sia.
Went to Penang with A level classmates, went to Melaka (and I still didn't get the chance to go into the ship museum haiz), there's one day we went to Sekinchan, and tomorrow my family and I will go to Perak.
This includes Kampar (We'll be going to UTAR just for fun because I've never been there) Taiping, Ipoh and some other place.

By the way my sis's boyfriend is from Ipoh. Of course he want to see his precious girlfriend when we arrive.
You can imagine the situation when we go there.

(Yes just go lovey dovey and leave me with my books bye

Still, even with this trips and whatnot the best thing that happened in my life this year is FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM
asdfghjkl I'm sooo happy that cinnamon roll Jacob who can bake cinnamon roll and the cute badass Legillimen Queenie the Mom Friend Tina and the famous cinnamon roll magizoologist Newton Artemis Fido Scamander exist in my life (tears



Since JK Rowling "invite us back to the Wizarding World" (hahaha I've never left), I went back rereading Harry Potter (starting from Goblet of Fire) because two hours plus movie and original screenplay is too short for me.
Too short, compare to the novels.
Besides, I think I'd finished Fantastic Beasts-related info on Pottermore and Wikia...aish.

Goblet of Fire.

I'm currently reading this and 'The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto' by Mitch Albom (one of my favourite author) in the same period.
With some revisions to decrease my guilty of spending hours on tumblr + reading. ahem.
Which is why, I'm still on 200+ pages after so many days.

(By the way I just started 'The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto'. I think it'll become the best English book I've ever read this year...
(The best Chinese novel I've read in 2016  is《琅琊榜》

...One of them was a very old wizard who was wearing a long flowery night-gown. The other was clearly a Ministry wizard; he was holding out a pair of pinstriped trousers and almost crying with exasperation. 
  "Just put them on, Archie, there's a good chap, you can't walk around like that, the Muggle on the gate's already getting suspicious-"
  "I bought this in a Muggle shop," said the old wizard stubbornly. "Muggles wear them."
  "Muggle women wear them, Archie, not the men, they wear these," said the Ministry wizard, and he brandished the pinstriped trousers.
  "I'm not putting them on," said old Archie in indignation. "I like a healthy breeze round my privates, thanks."

—— JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter Seven: Bagman and Crouch

Hahahahhaha this cracks me up everytime, dude. Everytime.
This is where Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys went to Quidditch World Cup. I love the mentions of different wizarding families tho.

The one below is when Dumbledore announced Triwizard Tournament will be taking place in Hogwarts during the start-of-term feast.

  "You're JOKING!" said Fred Weasley loudly.
  The tension that had filled the Hall ever since Moody's arrival suddenly broke.  
  Nearly everyone laughed, and Dumbledore chuckled appreciatively.
  "I am not joking, Mr Weasley," he said, "though, now you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun who all go into a bar-"
  Professor McGonagall cleared her throat loudly.
  "Er - but maybe this is not the time ... no ..." said Dumbledore, "Where was I? Yes, the Triwizard Tournament...

—— JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter Twelve: The Triwizard Tournament

ROFL I don't think Dumbledore will be able to run the school without Professor McGonagall by his side hahahaha
(I thought they're together when I was a child tho asdfghjkl

Beside these, there're so many details that didn't made it into the movie, like there's student exchange programme between Castelobruxo in Brazil and Hogwarts; (COOL)
Beauxtbatons and Dumstrungs are NOT all-girls and all-boys school,
the fact that Dobby is the one who stole Gillyweed and gave to Harry before the second task;
and don't even get me started on"DID YAH PUT YAH NAME IN DA GOBLET OF FIYAAH" (flips table

This is why the books are better movies.

We could fly to Berlin, Tokyo or Jamaica
We can go where you want
Say the word and I’ll take ya
But I’d rather stay on the sofa
On the sofa, with you

Minus the Muggles' terms, this is the perfect Newtina song for me~
I know Tina is busy with her career as an auror, but I think both of them will travel to different countries whenever Tina has a break, or during they children school holidays.
Well they might be out there catching some magical creatures or poking sleeping dragons for all you know.

And it feels like I’m flying
And it feels like

We could go to Berlin, Tokyo or Jamaica

Through the streets of New York
That is where I will take ya

Paris, Rome, to Rio

Passing through Las Vegas
We can go where you want
Say the word, and I’ll take ya
But I’d rather stay on the sofa
On the sofa
On the sofa, with you

Btw I'm in the same house with Tina!! (Thunderbird ♥)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fandoms trash

Everyone has a certain relative(s, if you're unlucky) that they tried not to talk to in a family reunion dinner.

urgh I'm know I'm the one who spend the most among my siblings THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT.
It's not my fault that the only private university in M'sia that offers purely economics course is the most expensive one.

 Enough for those "Ohh yer sister is better in saving money for your parents than you she got a scholarship so smart~~"
and those
"Your tuition fees per year = my daughter's tuition fees FOR THE WHOLE COURSE" bullshit I'm so sick of this. Please, I know maths. I can calculate myself. There's no need for your information.
We're not even studying in the same school and it's a totally different subject FFS!

I like it, I study it.
I'm not using your money so PLEASE STFU about this.

By the way don't even mention about "Ohh you're planning to send your daughter overseas but it's sooooo expensive blah blah blah" Everybody knows it's expensive af THANK YOU captain obvious.

Yes, I'm just being salty. Need to find some space to say (type) it out because I'm NOT suppose to say it in her face.

Ahh, better.

Went to Big Bad Wolf at MIECC.
Popular isn't selling them anymore, so I was counting on BBW, that's why I was quite disappointed because I didn't get to buy the books I mentally noted down.

Therefore I went to Popular to buy more books~
There's a sale going on in Popular bookstores. There's always a sale during school holidays.

Yup, my "to be read" list is never-ending.

Besides that,

Currently reading: Goblet of Fire

Saw this on Facebook yesterday.

It even got the slowly-dying-inside eyes right lol

Life's still good. Finished all my aissignments, balik kampung, ate durians (♥), read, ate more durians, read.
Hmm country lifestyle.

Went back home, read, study, read, study, went on tumblr, read...

Good old normal, plain life.
Not bad, huh?

Summary of my life for the past few weeks years.
To the hell with "study - try your best to be extraordinary - be an adult - get a love life (maybe)"set up for uni life hahahaha

Study weeks basically means a cycle of studying + reading (novels & fanfics) + writing + being on tumblr.
Seriously tho I spent unhealthy amount of time on tumblr and Ao3 ever since I watched Fantastic Beasts.
Not that I care. (shrug

Sherlock is COMING BACK ON NEW YEAR and we got A NEW TRAILER~~
Besides we finally knows baby Watson's name (Rosie Watson) and Sherlolly is canon~
Still, don't go to Sherlock fandom on tumblr.
I'm so sick of those hate on Mary and baby Watson.
(?!?! She's literally just a baby and we haven't even got Series 4 ?!?! )

Moreover Doctor Who is coming back this Christmas (It's on hiatus for a whole year)~

And yup I'm still Newtina trash, same old, same old~

This song is perfect for Jacob and Queenie (wipe tears
JK Rowling said Jacob will be in the following movies so let's hope they will MUST stay together~♥

By the way the singer is Alison Sudol, actress who played Queenie Goldstein~

Came across a quote from Luna Lovegood in 'the Order of Pheonix',

"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the ways we expect."

This truly explains us getting Fantastic Beasts series after the story about The Boy Who Lived had ended.

Plus my mechanical pencil magically appeared on my table when I thought I've lost it lol
I was using my calculator, got the answer, picked up my pencil to write in down and I SUDDENLY REALIZE IT'S MY MECHANICAL PENCIL OMG (I was using another pencil before this

(Hogwarts Acceptance Letter, please??

Friday, December 09, 2016

'STUDY' weeks

Should I read the novel?
Or should I write something?

Why not both hahahhaha SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK.

The words above reflect my current life status.


Finally finished every assignments yeeaaa~~ 
Nah just joking. 

Planned to go home on Saturday, but apparently I messed up the date of briefing about student exchange.
It's next Friday, not this Friday. 
So today I'm actually free to go home after 11am.

Whatever. At least I got one more night to finish the foods inside my fridge. 

As mentioned in the last post, I posted my fanfic about Newtina just for fun. And for procrastinating my assignment because I'm a typical university student.
Besides "omg people read it" and "Oh there are comments COMMENTS asdfghjkl", a person asked my permission to translate that fic into Mandarin and post it on his/her site. 

Mandarin is actually my mother tongue so I can actually do it myself, but okay...
Because even though I can translate it myself (and I'm confident enough to say that my Mandarin is better than my English), I won't do it.
Writing fanfics about the Fantastic Beasts in Mandarin is so weird for me, especially the names of those magical creatures and spells. 

So...yeah, I said yes. He/she translated it and shared me the link.

I'm so happy that someone actually READ and LIKE the things I wrote? Like wow an actual, legit person? From another country!??! 

I love you random citizen! ♥

And no please don't say you look forward to read my future works hahahaha I should be studying. 
(Opens Microsoft Word
(Finals? What finals?

Hui En and I chatted about shoujo mangas and Korean dramas that normally uses a weak, cute, pure and need-a-man-to-protect-24/7 kind of girls as female leads. 
"I hate these kind of characters."
"Ya, can't help it."
"But guys tend to like these kind of girls?"
By the way I overheard the conversation between Jo Ann and Jasmine,
"Do you have any expectations about your future boyfriend."
I'm good as long as he looks at me the way Newt looks at his creatures (and Tina). 
"I don't think we'll be able to get a boyfriend in our uni life."
Life's good enough as long as you got your games and I got my books.
(I'm gonna go wild the next time I step into Kinokuniya I ate bread for weeks for that book asdfghjkl I know I saved my pocket money for some reason

Listening to this because FEELS.

I don't need a boyfriend I need the next Fantastic Beasts movie.
Or a novel that include every details in the movie (sobs
Plus those deleted scene in Fantastic Beasts.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Movie night (with tears)

The weather’s damn hot, can’t sleep, I’m not in mood to study, wi-fi is so slow my chrome keeps lagging, so here am I.

Hesitated for a while about which language should I type this post in.
Just wanna write random things that happened these few days. 

Last Friday was the first time I posted my fanfiction other than my own blog. 

Okay I've been writing fanfics now and then since secondary school. I've got two folders of foolscap papers written during school years.
Exams period were the best period to write fanfics. 
Gosh the time given for some certain paper is so long sitting through it was so exhausting unless I was writing something.

Sometimes I'll write in my notebook, especially the first few weeks I went to PLKN and most of the time while I'm studying A-levels.
Need some comfort from the fictional world to distract me from the reality.
Most of them are written in Mandarin because Mandarin is the language I'm most confident with. 

I've read a lot of fanfics, regarding which fandom I was in and which ships were I shipping. 
But I've never, ever posted it, except those embarrassing short fics I wrote during  Form 2 omg what was I thinking?! 

Last Friday.
Maybe I was drunk (with all the fluff I wrote myself hahaha), maybe I just got some random Gryffindor moment telling me "JUST DO IT"
so yeah, I shamelessly posted it.



lemme just become a burrito while tearing up I'm so proud and so embarrassed of myself asdfghjkl

I'm one of those who prefers watching movies and dramas alone. (Watching movies in cinemas is an exception. )

 It feels good without people judging you while you're watching your favourite show. ( as I tend to rewatch the dramas/movies I love again and again)

There were times where I kept recommending the stories (books/dramas/movies etc.) I love to others, but then I realized I doesn't matter others loves it or not.
Sure it feels good having a friend close to you that loves the same story with you, but there's also a possibility that they don't really care when you mentioned about it.
Or they don't like it as much as you do.
It feels like an insult, from me to myself, of talking about something enthusiastically to the wrong person who just. don't. care.

But still I like it when people talk to me about something they're very interested in.
You can actually see their eyes sparkling with delight and all the feels~~~ 

( I've got a friend Hui En keep on fangirling about Final Fantasy XV tho hahahaha and I keep talking to her about Newt Scamander and other Harry Potter related things

( btw Joey I love the post you wrote about Fantastic Beasts asdfghjkl

Oh, back to the topic.
Yes, I prefer to watch movies alone, especially those emotional ones *cough* The Theory of Everything *cough*

But Hui En said she wanted to watch The Danish Girl, so we had a movie night in my room after dinner.

Celebration for the terrible and motivation-killer mock exam hahahaha

From what I've imagined about my uni life, having a movie night and tearing up with a friend is not on the list.

First of all, I'm not against the LGBT community.
Maybe it's religion? Maybe it's social norms? Not 'natural'? My gave up my biology after SPM but I still understand there's something to do with your chromosomes.
I don't even know why are some (especially the elders) are so against queer people. Even my parents are against it.

but, why??
Shouldn't everyone has a choice to be with who they love? It doesn't affect your life why are you so against it?

There was a time where I was wondering about my sexuality. Fandoms and going to all girls school kinda caused this kind of doubts.
But then there's a huge difference between loving someone and being sexually attracted to someone so nah, I'm straight. I think.


Saw a lot of them during vacation in Thailand, however I didn't personally know any transgender people, so, let's just focus on the movie.

Description (took it from IMDb):
A fictitious love story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda's marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili's groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.

I have some mixed feelings about this story.

The story started when Gerda wanted her husband Einar to become her model, and then it was just fun and games and "hahahaha they're so adorable~"

ROFL hahahhahaa

But then Einar started dressing up as a woman, and Gerda knew that it was not a game to him anymore. 
It's kinda...painful? to watch? 
I understand why Einar insisted on being Lili, because it's the 'real' him/her (um whatever).
But he betrayed his wife while going through this process?? 
Wth she saw her husband kissing another guy!?! 

Yes, Lili was very courageous in being herself, but you can't denied that she betrayed Gerda. 

The painful truth is, no, she can't.
After this Lili did tried to change back to Einar, wearing male clothes and whatnot.

Lili knew. She knew that Gerda loved her husband, and she knew she's hurting Gerda by not staying by her side when she needed her.
But she just...can't change back.
Or you can say that Einar is never really there, it was just a facade for her to survive in the society.

Eventually Gerda accepted Lili and she'd always been by her husband side about transformation of Einar → Lili.

And the ending leave me like this;

Besides tears there're quite a number of beautiful scenery in the movie. (Gigi said she like this movie very much because of the European mid-1920 scenery)

Anyway let's take a moment to appreciate this photo of Eddie:


"It's just 8pm. Wanna watch another one? I got 'The Theory of Everything."
"I thought you just watched it?!?"

"I can watch it again *wink* "

I watched this last Sunday. Didn't stopped me from being hit by the feels tho.
This is a love story of course there's some romantic scene and comedy (mostly contributed by Stephen's friend Brian in the movie)


But then there's this scene:

And this:

*ugly sobbing*

And the moment, a brief moment, when he slowly stood up, walked down the stairs, picked up the pen that fell from table,

And the camera zoomed back to reality.

Thus we ended up like this:

omg WHY did we jumped on this emotional roller coaster?!?!

(The ending scene with flashbacks are my favourite
(rolling on floor crying

"After this watch Fantastic Beasts?"
Hahhahahaha I don't think my heart will be able to handle so many feels in one night

(Nah the main reason is I can't find any HD sources for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Another music that stuck in my mind.
(Still remember the applause after the movie that moment is so moving asdfghjkl

Friday, December 02, 2016


This is basically me ever since I watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

People around my age are busy getting into relationships (well not all of them, but still),
and here am I busy shipping my ships =w=

Sorry but I'll be posting a lot about Fantastic Beasts for these few weeks.
Or months.
Years, maybe.

The next movie will be releasing in 2018. If they continue this pattern, the fifth and last movie will be out in 2024 and I'll already be 27 years old.

I'm sure I'll still go emotional whenever I hear Hedwig's Theme in the cinema, even after I've started working.

Imagine me blogging about Newt Scamander after I got back home from work.
 Okay I can finally catch a glimpse of my future.

By the way most of the songs people had chosen for the playlist regarding Newtina (It still sounds like Nutella to me hmm) are often written by Ed Sheeran.


*listen to every song listed on it*

#I need them like I need coffee

these two dorks ♥
How can you not love them?!??!

Besides they are CANON before we even get to know them and this is the first time I don't need to worry whether my otp will sink or sail.
It's not actually a fairytale or whatnot (Grindelwald, world wars....), but at least they'll be together.

Shhhh I have too many feels for them.

10 years old me: I wonder what will I be when I grow up?
me to 10 years old me: Fangirl. You'll be a fangirl. 
(and 100% Newtina trash)

Assignments deadline, presentation, mock exam, final exams...
Just normal university life.

My autumn semester classes are going to end next week. In fact we just had our last Introduction to Microeconomics class this Wednesday.
(But there's still mock exam and another class to discuss the mock exam questions. )

Fantastic Beasts, Doctor Who Christmas Special, and Sherlock coming soon on 1.1.2017, and getting mad at those people who despise Tina.
She's one of the characters that I related the most.
(That little skip after Newt said goodbye to her 咦咦少女心啊♥)
Just normal fangirl life.

Life's good (thumbs up)