Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fandoms trash

Everyone has a certain relative(s, if you're unlucky) that they tried not to talk to in a family reunion dinner.

urgh I'm know I'm the one who spend the most among my siblings THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT.
It's not my fault that the only private university in M'sia that offers purely economics course is the most expensive one.

 Enough for those "Ohh yer sister is better in saving money for your parents than you she got a scholarship so smart~~"
and those
"Your tuition fees per year = my daughter's tuition fees FOR THE WHOLE COURSE" bullshit I'm so sick of this. Please, I know maths. I can calculate myself. There's no need for your information.
We're not even studying in the same school and it's a totally different subject FFS!

I like it, I study it.
I'm not using your money so PLEASE STFU about this.

By the way don't even mention about "Ohh you're planning to send your daughter overseas but it's sooooo expensive blah blah blah" Everybody knows it's expensive af THANK YOU captain obvious.

Yes, I'm just being salty. Need to find some space to say (type) it out because I'm NOT suppose to say it in her face.

Ahh, better.

Went to Big Bad Wolf at MIECC.
Popular isn't selling them anymore, so I was counting on BBW, that's why I was quite disappointed because I didn't get to buy the books I mentally noted down.

Therefore I went to Popular to buy more books~
There's a sale going on in Popular bookstores. There's always a sale during school holidays.

Yup, my "to be read" list is never-ending.

Besides that,

Currently reading: Goblet of Fire

Saw this on Facebook yesterday.

It even got the slowly-dying-inside eyes right lol

Life's still good. Finished all my aissignments, balik kampung, ate durians (♥), read, ate more durians, read.
Hmm country lifestyle.

Went back home, read, study, read, study, went on tumblr, read...

Good old normal, plain life.
Not bad, huh?

Summary of my life for the past few weeks years.
To the hell with "study - try your best to be extraordinary - be an adult - get a love life (maybe)"set up for uni life hahahaha

Study weeks basically means a cycle of studying + reading (novels & fanfics) + writing + being on tumblr.
Seriously tho I spent unhealthy amount of time on tumblr and Ao3 ever since I watched Fantastic Beasts.
Not that I care. (shrug

Sherlock is COMING BACK ON NEW YEAR and we got A NEW TRAILER~~
Besides we finally knows baby Watson's name (Rosie Watson) and Sherlolly is canon~
Still, don't go to Sherlock fandom on tumblr.
I'm so sick of those hate on Mary and baby Watson.
(?!?! She's literally just a baby and we haven't even got Series 4 ?!?! )

Moreover Doctor Who is coming back this Christmas (It's on hiatus for a whole year)~

And yup I'm still Newtina trash, same old, same old~

This song is perfect for Jacob and Queenie (wipe tears
JK Rowling said Jacob will be in the following movies so let's hope they will MUST stay together~♥

By the way the singer is Alison Sudol, actress who played Queenie Goldstein~

Came across a quote from Luna Lovegood in 'the Order of Pheonix',

"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the ways we expect."

This truly explains us getting Fantastic Beasts series after the story about The Boy Who Lived had ended.

Plus my mechanical pencil magically appeared on my table when I thought I've lost it lol
I was using my calculator, got the answer, picked up my pencil to write in down and I SUDDENLY REALIZE IT'S MY MECHANICAL PENCIL OMG (I was using another pencil before this

(Hogwarts Acceptance Letter, please??

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