Monday, September 28, 2015

The season of fandoms

Autumn. The season of fandoms~

 "Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes" 
I've been reading Percy Jackson series since.. Form 1? I think, followed by Heroes of Olympus which turns out to be one of my favourite stories that came out ANNUALLY.
Seriously. In "Mark of Athena" the author threw the otp of series into hell literally and we have to wait for another year. 
Good thing they survived. ♥

Okay, about this book.
Same with "Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods", the whole book is about Heroes in Greek mythologies, written by Percy Jackson. 
All hail the king of sass~

Since Percy is a teenager who's about the same age with us...he probably knows about fandoms and stuff.  
Something like:
The Hunger Games

I actually lol-ed when I read this sentence.

And Sherlock.


I can imagine Percy and Leo watching movies and TV shows together, knowing that both of them watches Doctor Who.

Summary...If any of you are interested:

This is a world divided by blood - red or silver.

The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.

That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.

Fearful of Mare's potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.

But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance - Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart..

There are some arguments about this book for those who've read it.
The idea is not new. The story is kinda mash-up from those popular stories.
I've read a couple of stories about rebellion before. An organization target to overthrow the government with their base in a "radioactive" place? Seems very Hunger Games to me.
People who'll be killed due to their special powers? The Young Elites??
A stubborn, poor, but clever girl, who went into a palace and was announced to be the future princess? I know it's not totally the same, but this makes me thought of The Selection.

Still, this book is undoubted a five-star to me.
It's very well-written and easy to read, which causes me unable to put down that book until I've actually finished it.


Mare's controlling her powers which turns out to be lightning (pika pika)


And I need to wait a year for the next book [sob]

Doctor Who.
I've been wanting to write a post about it cause Series 9 had finally started. But after watching the first episode "The Magician's Apprentice"..

They've been killed?? But they didn't die?? And how come Missy didn't die during the finale of last season where Doctor killed her??

And did Doctor kill Davros? But killing Davros leads to a crucial change to history of both Daleks and Time Lords??


Whovians. We're permanently confuse.

Coming to the part two, "The Witch Familiar's", most questions had been answers. Some have left unknown.

Besides the feels which came in like a wrecking ball (and realized everything is just a lie. Hmph! I really believed Davros for some moment when he said he's going to die and begged to see sunrise the last time with his own eyes.) , another iconic scene for this two episode:

Let's don't forget Missy's sass.


She saved Clara, but turns out nearly killing her the next moment. With her evil laugh and sass..hmm kinda psychopathic.

#ship her with Clara as brotp
Can I have a spin-off story where both of them went for an adventure??!

The first episode I've ever seen is about Oswin Oswald (who'sClara in another life)
being trapped on a planet. Sad truth: She didn't realized she was dead and transformed into a Dalek until the Doctor came.
And told her everything she's seeing now was only a dream. She dreamed because she denied to accept the reality.

For this episode, Clara was trapped inside a Dalek, unable to get out, and nearly got herself killed by her best friend, the Doctor.
Everything word she said automatically transformed into some "Dalek language" (which contains like.. ten words? For one of the deadliest race in the universe their vocabulary really sucks )

Haha I don't need my heart at all~~

For other fandoms..
Pottermore had changed totally, with new infos about Potter's family, and "something" about "Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them" will be released later. Looking forward to it~

Season 5 of Once Upon A Time had started. But I'll wait for my dad to download it cause I'm not really into it anymore.

... still waiting for Christmas..

Friday, September 25, 2015

夜間遠足 (夜のピクニック)


一看到那价格就“啊啊啊好贵——”。 但还是买下来了咳咳。








以前有次和Khei Lai辨论过这说法,但到头来发现了,真的是这样。

去年,或前几年的Merentas Desa,基本上我也不记得什么了。
Form 1,第一次mengenal trek的时候和Khei Lai一起走,聊了好久。原本已经疲惫不堪但聊聊下不用多久就回到学校了。
只记得一边跑一边光明正大地听歌,老师也没法没收我们的手机,是件很爽的事~ 但后来还是拿下耳机边走边和身旁的朋友聊天。
还有Form 4我们在欣煜的带领下走shortcut。哈哈哈有逃学的刺激感~ 幸好没被老师发现。

想念起Merentas Desa来了诶诶~

往后将会由多少的“一生一次”像这样不断地重复? 会见到多少再也不会碰面的人?

自Form 5开始,每当学校举办一次那种“一年一次”的活动,都会有这种感触。
教师节? 嗯今年是最后一次了,要玩得尽兴点。
Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan? 耶这一天就要唱个够!
毕业典礼?! 拍照!!!!
穿毕业袍? 走!! 找到哪个有教我们的老师就和哪个老师拍!
最后一堂华文课? 耶老师带东西给我们吃!!





但我还听不懂日文 Orz


Friday, September 18, 2015

Silence will fall

Right, the title is a Doctor Who reference. *ahem* in case anyone is wondering.

I've been silence about my fandoms long? Around half a year?
It felt like ages since I've fangirled..yes, I mean fangirling, not just a normal conversation like
"Oh you watched the show?? That's my favourite!"
"Yeah I watched it. That show is not bad."
[Awkward silence]
You'd think that we'll somehow be bff instantly since both of us like the same story...but nah. 
[Awkward silence continuing]
[Floats away silently]

Maybe because I've been used to not showing my enthusiasm about those stories. 
It's not like there's a friend beside me who I can just
 "这什么书啊啊啊为什么我的人都死掉!!!" or 
"这本超好看的你一定要看!!" or
 "为什么竟然在这里完结?! 下一本又要等至少一年了啊!!!"
And that kind of feeling that you feel WHY is anyone don't even bother with a story so good and you keep recommending it to everyone you know.
Turns out that you're just a girl obsessed with your own little world.
"You'll get over it soon. One day you'll look back and laugh at yourself for obsessing over these stories."
Yeahhh I hope that day will never come.

Somehow it makes me misses those time during PLKN. 
There are times when I brought a book (Well I'm always carrying a book unless it's physical activities where you can't carry a book. ) and those people from my class will be like 
"Can I see it? " Ends up exchanging our books to read the summary (I'm not the only one who brings novels during classes)
And~~~that's how you find another fangirl. Or friend. 
We could go on and on about those tv shows or novels and our "top 10 favourite anime" list....
Then we parted ways during Valentines. Geez. 

Okay, move away from the cruel reality and back to the fictional world.

Time flies. It's September now, and GUESS WHAT
KHEEII LAIIII It'll starts this Saturday and muahaahahahaha I'm gonna spam all your inbox with DW!! ...or I'm just gonna spam my own blog, I think.
Besides Clara, there gonna be a new companion, and the psychopathic Missy is still alive. (Yeah~)
Speaking of Missy (Who's actually the Master, Doctor's friend / enemy long time ago) ,
The most unforgettable scene :

My reaction is the mixture of "hahahahahaha!!" and "Ewww"

This is the ACTUAL CANON tho. (lol)
Me and sis kept singing this a few days after we saw this episode.
There's even a fanmade song about it.

Most of all, RIVER SONG aka the Doctor's wife will appear in Christmas Special!

Well I don't know how will she appear.
She's #dead the first time we saw her, certainly #not dead during Season 6 , where her story truly begins and it explains that she's Amy and Rory's only daughter who's Human + Time lord and got the ability to regenerate,
And she's #dead again in Season 7 final episode while the Doctor visited his own tomb. 

Since this show is full of plot twist I'll just leave it for the time to tell the answer.

adsfghjkl!! The new season got sooo much more to look forward to!!

The Doctor. With a guitar. 

Apart from Doctor Who, there's another show that I've waited for years. Literally.
The moustache is BACK.

The moustache?

Let's not forget this:

Mary ships Johnlock asdfghjkl I just love the relationship between three of them so much okay!?
The moustache makes John seems older instantly.

Sherlock's Christmas Special!!!!!
It's clearly a spin-off story from the 21 century Sherlock series.
Still, the first thought that crossed my mind is a Sherlock x Doctor Who crossover series and they somehow went to Victorian era..*ahem ahem* Guess I've been reading to many fanfics and imagining stuff.
(By the way, Steven Moffat, writer of both shows had confirmed that the crossover will never happen.)

Well, Mary is in (Yeahhh!! ) it's either an adaption from one of Sherlock Holmes book series "The Sign Of Four" or a whole new story.
Wish it's the latter. I think it would be the latter because the setting is in year 1895, where Sherlock "died" in the original story but came back later on.

Still remember when I wanted Khei Lai to spoil me the whole story (because I can't wait to watch it but my sis insisted to watch it one episode per week...I shouldn't have listened to her. )  and Khei Lai said "John is married in Season 3" and I'm like WHHHY his bromance with Sherlock is so perfect!!
"John's wife shot Sherlock..of course he didn't die la, main character mah~"
"So his wife is a bad person? She married John just to kill Sherlock?"
"No she accidentally shot him."
"Why did she shot him??! "
"She's an assassin."
"Wait. So she is a bad person."
"She's an assassin and she wanted to shoot another bad person, but she shot Sherlock."
"So she accidentally shot Sherlock?"
"No, she did it purposely."

That's why at first I just thought Mary as "John's wife who shot Sherlock".
When I finally watched that episode...hmmm it's nothing that I've imagined.
For instance, I don't imagine myself falling for optimistic-kind-ships-her-own-husband-with-his-best-friend-deadly-assassin.
The "oh, she's John's wife" attitude turns to "OMG MARY!!" [hugs]
I really have a thing for psychopathic character ehehehehe~

All these time I've thought Series 4 will be aired in New Year's 2016, following the "wait two years for next episode" tradition.
But NO.
Series 4 is not gonna broadcast till 2017 that means I need to wait another whole year,
What about Mary?
What about the Watson's daughter?
Is Moriarty still alive?? If he is why did he choose to reveal it when Sherlock had been ordered to go for some undercover work? To keep Sherlock in London?
And what about Sherlocks' another brother besides Mycroft??
Sherlock and Molly's relationship?
Mary's real identity???!??!?
Sebastian Moran? I know he's not in the show, but he's Moriarty's right-hand man in the original story, hopefully he'll appear in the show too.
Irene Adler?? "Brainy is the new sexy~"

I need to wait till I'm 20 year old to find out????

[sobs in the corner]
God why did I love this show so much.

For now, let's just focus on Doctor Who.


You know, maybe the reason I love about Doctor Who so much is because I started it from season 7, about a little girl's imaginary friend coming to life.

It's never just a story.