Monday, May 31, 2010


wa! 文言文? I dunno what they are saying leh.... So...经典

Thursday, May 27, 2010


现在在考Science1,超级闷,闷到要睡觉了。是谁安排考试时间?40题,6年级时只有50分钟的时间作答。现在,同样的,40题,竟然放1小时!虽然只差10分钟,可是还是时间啊!浪费我们这么多时间T.T 要是能以昨晚就交给老师就好了。无聊啊无聊~考试只有两个纸来形容:闷+无聊。


今天是考试的第3天,还有华语,美术,体育,电脑……哇靠!我要死了啦!每天对住那只有几种颜色的课本, 看到就像要睡觉。还记得,每一次考试的时候,都会有人大大声地喊:"是谁发明考试的?我要找他算账!"可是,无论问了几百次,几千次,还是没有人会回答你这个问题。




是的,我现在在考试,考的是Mathematics 1. 不用我多说,你应该都知道我时在写废话了,因为只有考试才会让我变得这么无聊,无聊到连这种废话也写得出。


刚才写到浪费时间,就让我想到我现在在浪费笔芯。写那么多字,笔芯很快就用完了。用完了笔芯就要去买,那就是浪费钱。去Jusco里的大众书局买笔芯,又浪费车油。从Jusco回来,回到家,感到很累,这就是浪费精神。把笔芯放进mechanical pencil 里面,还要用拇指一直按,笔芯才会出来,又浪费力气。你看!写这样的废话还要浪费那么多东西,Haiz~

从小,老师和家长都叫我们不可以浪费,要节省。可是……呵呵…..有一次,学校全体老师去开会,我和朋友就take a break,跟班长拿了准证,取melepak, 不,去上厕所。忘了告诉你,厕所就在办公室旁边,所以,理所当然地,我们一定经过办公室。在办公室里,一位老师的人影也没有,但帮公室里的风扇和灯都是开住的(是全部)。所以lo!老师都没有以身作则。这也难怪,如果是我,我也会懒惰去关掉。XP

The End.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


考试真的是超级无聊,无聊倒有些什么都不懂。现在你纵情爱看的这篇文章是考Science2的时候写的。我知道,这些都是废话。Why? Because 废话就是废话。就好像玩PS2就是玩PS2,不可能玩PS2是玩电脑。我现在在做什么?写字啦!Abuthen?难道我在睡觉meh?考了那么多试,我没有一次是躺在桌子上睡觉的,因为看到有些人一睡,之后怎么叫也不醒,就觉得有一点可怕。等下被考试神拉走了,永远不回来,就要每天考试了。(开玩笑)

想…..要些什么?我会写废到你看到就炸到的话,(BOOM!!!听到了没有?)可是如果你叫我写作文?Haiz~我的作文都是so so, 跟范文的差不多一样。如:在一个风和日丽的早上….每一次都是风和日丽,风和日丽,没有一次是丽日和风,倾盆大雨。每次野餐都是在air terjun or beach, 没有一次在别的地方。为什么?难道你在家里野餐?如果是这样,干脆直接去吃Mcdonald好了。这些千篇一律的作文(包括我的),看了都想睡觉。不知道那些华文老师怎样看,会不会看到突然间闭上眼睛,直接去找周公。





时间到了,So….the end…


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

MID-YEAR EXAMINATION!!!!!! (Why don’t say “die hard” examination?)

This week, I mean today is the beginning of mid- year exam! I am thinking of….A(blink blink).Can I get all As? NO!

Bahasa Malaysia? Of course, NO

English? Dunno leh…

华语?So hard! And my 华语 is so so only, not very good (Khei Lai is the best ^.^)

Science? K-ng books now

Geografy? I want A! I want A! We~ will ~we~ will~ rock A! =.=|||

Sejarah? Ask god liao….

Mathematics? Hope I can get better than last time

Moral? Memorize+memorize+memorize=A

Art? Not impossible !

Sivik? Need to read what?

Pendidikan Jasmani? Ar…..Nope, I didn't even read it XP

ICTL(Computer)? OMG! Of course no

KH? Tak boleh lah…

These are all in PMR format! How can I take those exam? My BM sure die 1, so no thoughts of getting A! 华语 is so, so, so ….HARD! 2 essays and 摘录要点! C liao la! BI….dunno what to say..

So….阿弥陀佛…..Let me get A…

Friday, May 21, 2010

考试没有那么容易 T.T

Their are so.... geng! can change a song to like this



出处:谢老师, SMK(P)XXX




2。 人类是矛盾的

出处:Khei Lai, Earth, Solar system, Universe












例句:Hello! Bye bye!


5。 Mummy, 救我!

出处:Baby kangaroo, Earth, Solar system, Universe

意义:Baby kangaroo call her mother to rescue her.

例句:Mummy, 救我!那个baby pig 打我的头!


6。What we call…..



例句:Take out your….a……what we call….. a……science process.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

华语老师的默契(差不多每一位都在讲同样的“名句”)The words that nearly all Chinese teachers said in class


1. 快点!你们以为你们有很多时间啊!

2. 你们的功课没有一次交齐的!

3. 叫你们做一点功课罢了也做不好!

4. 你们没有一天全到的! (小学的时候讲的)

5.考试要到liao, 你们还是这样 (6年级的时候讲最多次的,因为UPSR)


1. Faster! You think you got so many time to waste a!

2. Why you can't pass up all of your homework in 1 time?

3. I just give you a few homework only you all also can't do it properly!

4. Everyday got some of you didn't come 1 (teachers always say this when I am at primary school)

5. Exam is coming, all of you are still like this (primary 6 teacher always said this, because we got UPSR)

6. …..I don't know how to say this leh..


Can't think of others liao, anymore suggestions?













Monday, May 17, 2010

Teachers day~

17.2.2010 Monday

Today I woke up at 6.30 a.m. Why? Because I need to go to school. Why I need to go to school? Because today is school day. Why today is school day? Can you please shut up? Yup, today I need to go to school damn early because today is teacher's day. Like last year, brushed teeth, ate breakfast, mandi sekejap, changed to school uniform, then go to school lor. =.=|||

When I tiba, to school, I like a 无头苍蝇 ( a fly with no head), fly fly fly, dunno where to go. Finally, finally…..I saw baby kangaroo and the others at the tapak perhimpunan. And B. Kangaroo said she got bring Ipod to school. OMG! I want to see it! But she is to scare to take it out and hear, so she just take it out from her pocket, then put it back within 1 minute. Haiz…..So many people holding camera and hand phone also scare…

After that, we go to the tapak perhimpunan again. It was decorated with red carpet, and a thing that what I dunno what it call. It really look like people is going to marry… Wait for a least 10 years, the teachers finally datang. 终于… When they walked the red carpet, the pengawas(s) throw something you throw when you are at a party or what. They even that wat wat thing, which really look like a marriage ceremony. Sweat=.= the teacher all les and gay a? neeed to make till like this? wakakaka~ But can't denied, it is very beautiful too..

After that, now some boring speeches ( I didn't hear it)Me and B. Kangaroo too busy finding a place to seat. Our skirt is all wet (even the pengawas got give newspaper for us to sit on it [Lelong, lelong, 派旧报纸 because of sitting of that wet floor( that is called floor?). After changing three times, we finally decided to stand beside the tent that teachers sit below it. After the speeches, they are giving the teachers present like "Cikgu yang paling dedikasi", "Cikgu yang paling popular". It really surprises me when Puan Soong won the "Cikgu yang paling sporting". Actually she is ok la….But she is too garang… And next is the teachers costume which is sesuai untuk theme. Wa! CIk Lee also got… ^.^ but that M women also go too….=.=


After is persembahan lor… just watch the dancing… then, break for 30 minutes. 30 minutes becomes 1 hour, we really geng. Our school got students sell domino pizza, float, mango and blah blah blah. Then watch persembahan again. Haiz…And the sun is very hot, hot till I nearly looked like I had just come out from our school pond. After persembahan are playing games. (Students and teachers play together)

The first game is need to turn 8 circles, then eat orange and drink coca cola, after that eat an apple. The teachers are fast, but the students are better (smaller, can runs faster) then the second 1 is the old game, which put many chairs, when the music stop, you need to sit on a chair or out of the game. The students always can't sit on the chair, so many students are out of the game. (Maybe they are scare of robbing chairs with teachers, hehe) Can't believe that Cik Chia is so good at this game, wakaka~ but she is also out when the top8 or top6.(Actually I thought Puan Soong will win, because... The johan is a teacher that I don't know, so, don't ask me.

At last, GO home! walauA, sangat letih..

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stupid writes letter to stupid ( I am not stupid)

38,Boring Street,


Orz (Country)

OMG( Planet),

Olar System,


To: Stupid, and that's you.

Hello, Stupid, I am the Stupid from the future, and I am you, so you are me. I know that it is no manners for calling you stupid. But what to do? I am stupid too. Who call that our parents give us this stupid name (Stupid Mc Burger). I know that you are very sad for having a name like this, me too, we are the same person. So why am I writing this letter to you?

Oh Yeah! I want to tell you, I mean me myself. I am from 2010, the future of you, so you are my past. I know, I am not as stupid as that. I know that my past, and that's you, is very curious about 21.12.2010. And, you also love the 2012 movie in 2009, unless I am not mistaken. The topic I write to you is that I am going to tell you that did earth really ends in 2012. I know the answer? Why? Because I am clever than you! Wakakakaka~

I am thinking of changing my name to Intelligent Mc Burger. How do you feel? Well, I need to ask your opinion, because you are me! Just now I got think about Clever Intelligent Excellent Best Mc Burger (Mc Burger also intelligent……), but it is too long, so I just use Intelligent. Me, no , you , no , me, no , I mean , both of us, no , no , is me, the future you, and that's me. Yeah, me. I, won the proudest award in the world. What award? He he~ Want me to tell you? Why? I will tell you later. OK la, if you want to know, continue to see next paragraph.

If you see this paragraph, your Restaurant City will lost 100,00 coins and Pet Society will lost 100,00 coins. So, BE AWARE! What to do? You have already seen this paragraph, so, wave goodbye to your coins in RC ( Restaurant City, not Red Crescent) and Pet Society, Ha ha ha ha~

Do you like the things that I drew? I love it! IT is so beautiful, especially the paper that we used to pray to the deads ( Yellow color 1). What did I told you Just now? Yeah! Last week, I just been informed that I am the most "clever" (stupid….)person in the whole universe. I am so excited! This is the first time I win a trophy! Please clap hands for me, please….

I had won 100,000,000 OMGD(Oh My God Dollar) , so I am very rich now. My next target is 100,000,001 OMGD. The thing I want to tell you is that you will become rich. So, just wait for the time to pass through you and wait for the money to come… Don't forget to say "money money come" (Mari Mari come)

Ok, skip to the topic. There will be no, no, I mean yes, no, no, no, I mean there is no…Oh yeah! Forget to tell you, I am watching 2012 now, do you want to watch together? OH, the time the time traveler has not been invented yet, so you can't come. There is NO 2012, no, of course there is 2012, why didn't got 2012? It is just that, the Earth, our beloved Earth didn't end in 2012, December 21th, so, don't worry about it

PS: Now is 22.12.2012





Thursday, May 13, 2010




广告:big mama, 是您最明智的选择!Iwon't follow you~



广告:到 download 最新的《无聊游戏》,永久免费!

广告:SP2(siaopo2) 让您的皮肤更美丽!




记者:今天的topic是——电脑对学生实力还是弊?是的,我知道这个题目很普通,可是,what to do?我还是得说,因为是我的boss逼我的!


记者:好啦!sorry la! 我要报告新闻,你跟我diam diam! 现在,我身后就是大团圆的住宅区,Taman United (bukan Taman United Kingdom,different 1). 我将在这里访问几户家人,问他们对今天的主题:电脑blah blah blah 的看法。现在,马上….出发!


记者:哇~屋子那么大,看看里面有没有游泳池给我们游泳!有可能连Jacuzzi Spa也有,爽~



记者:我们是华语新闻的成员,特地来访问您的。 什么华语新闻?名字叫什么?



BOSS:6度空间的华语新闻,每晚上8.30至9.30。如果来不及看,可以到 去看。免费的。哦….

记者:请问您可以高树窝您对电脑及学生的看法吗?电脑?可以!我有facebook, blogger, myspace, Friendster, twitter, youtube, msn 和自己的webpage.

记者:walauA!你有的比我还多!呵呵….老了,每天在家无聊,就玩电脑咯!Facebook 我有玩Pet Society, Restaurant city, Tiki farm, Barn Buddy….

记者:BOSS,要走吗?我不是要学生以电脑meh? 她不是学生leh..




Aunty: 喂!你们要做么?


Aunty: 我….我知道!你们是来偷东西的!是吗?滚!给我滚!(滚在马路上很痛的leh…)
















少年:电脑完全是利,只是打人的头脑歪,只知道电脑的不好。我们可以用电脑找资料,做project, 玩game, hack 人,写blog,找以前的朋友…….我都讲不完!学校每次考试,卡式一定会有压力的吗!有压力就要丢掉!管你丢去哪里,垃圾桶,垃圾场,垃圾车,妈妈的头上,中止丢掉就对liao, 不然很容易想不开,去跳楼。要丢掉压力,就玩电脑lo。哪里知道那些大人,不让我们玩电脑,弄到很多人想不开我真的很同情闹些为了考试压力而自杀的人。讲到这里,不用你讲,我都觉得我们这些做学生的,都是很可怜T.T)




记者:谢谢你接受采访,拜拜(不是o mi tuo fo 那个拜拜,不要乱乱想!)

Aunty: Why are you all standing here?




Aunty: 为什么你们要访问他?他酱丑,商店是不好看的!访问我啦!我酱美!



Aunty: 你还没有问我叫什么名!


Aunty:(摆出可爱的样子)大家好, 我叫杨丽飞,你们可以叫我飞飞(肥肥?!)我今年18岁!~(你18岁我7岁咯)


Aunty:电脑,当然是弊啦!那些学生啊,Haiz~讲出来都心痛啊!你看我的儿子,每天只是玩电脑,考试考到不像样(做lizard的声音)已有了电脑,每天都在讲fb, msn, myspace, 都不知道他在讲什么,讲华语好像将外星语。而且,他们只活在电脑的世界里,他们的未来啊….我都不敢去想。现在这能希望能*去学院看大象*让他自己从电脑世界里走出来。

记者:好了,bye bye


记者:从此看来,电脑有利也有弊。学生们应该懂得控制自己,因为电脑是利还是弊,都在你们自己的选择。谢谢大家收看这个不知名的华语新闻。Arigato~ 我是无名氏,明天再见!







Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Yesterday, and that is Monday, I sleep for 3 hours in class. Actually it is not sleep, my eyes is opening, my hand is moving, my head can move, I am walking….. I just shut my brain up. Why? Because of teacher. I am sure that you have been like this before.

The first period is Science, and the teacher is DNA( short form). She always said "what we call?"+"why 1A class like this one?"+"why so noisy?"

Example: "Take out your..what we call..your science process"

She can't stop saying 'what we call~" for 1 period. And I NEARLY fell asleep. This is so~ boring….

And next 1 is Geography. Actually geography teacher is ok 1, but the subject is ZZZzzz… I don't know what make me asleep, but I am not the only 1 feel like this XP.

The last 1…..hehehe…OF course, history.. I don't believe you didn't fall asleep when teacher teaching this subject. This subject is totally boring, and the teacher is boring too. HE like to saman us. Forget to tell you, our school got something called RBK(Ringgit BK), that means our school own money. The teachers are like POLICE and we, students like people around ( OF course we are people =.=)When we broke the school rules, like didn't cut nails or hair, the teacher will take our penalty point. But if our class is very dirty or we didn't pass up our book properly, they will take our RBK. And our history teacher, LOVE to take away our RBK, and he makes nearly ( nearly only lor) everybody hate him, nearly every person in our class hate him.

Last time, the second time of our exam, he took RBK500 from our class because some of our marks (17 people) didn't meningkat (Include me XD). He give us RBK200, 100 for having a good monitor or what, I forget liao, and 100 for half of person in our class have their history marks meningkat. SO, we need to give him 300.

The next thing is he is very 变态(Metamorphosis). He likes to watch at some girls ( Indians la) and always see what are they doing. WalauA! Fortunately I am not his target. Wakaaka

Need to go to school liao, so….XP


Wednesday, May 05, 2010


The exams results are out now, and I am not very happy about it. That history and Chinese I got 77%!!!!! 1 correct answer to get A! WalauA~ Why? Why? 1 question, 1 question only then I can get A liao..

And my moral (Actually moral is not real 1, just memorize than can get A liao. And I got 98%! Just 1 question, 1 question I can get 100%....And that 100% just fly out of my eyesight

After few days of examination, teachers said "You only got 2 weeks to next exam, so don't relax" T.T just finish exam and says 2 weeks to next exam. And that is mid-year exam!!!!

Wish I can get better marks la, but I don't think so….midyear exam got ringkasan, summary, karangan, 供料作文,摘录要点…..OMG! who can save me form these….



Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I don’t like my class name….

I don't like my class name (1A) because it is very stupid. 1 Amanah….Why need to put names like this leh?

If it is 1 Alamak, than ok a bit…

When I am at primary school, primary 1 – 6 also B class.

Actually B class name is better than A class.

Contoh: 6B=

Bijak (really meh?)

Bodoh (suits me^.^)

Boring (teacher is boring, not us)

Botak (I am not botak)

Bola (…..)

Boling (I don't like boling)

Babi (WalauA~)

Baju (……)

Best (I don't think so)

Baby (想到就气人)

Barbie (I don't like to play….I like Lego)

Last year at my school, B is for the BIjak people (3 class only, go to B class also easy…)

This year at my secondary school, A is for BIjak people (Alamak! I want to change my class already)

Actually, when you go to 精英班, is not good thing too.

Every year, the whole class will got scold and every teacher will said:

"You all are A class, why so noisy 1? H class is better than you!"

"You think you are in A class so you can be proud a? Don't respect teacher! Blah blah blah…."

"A class also got so many people didn't pass up your work, you all go to H class la!"

"H class is better than you! They can do their things alone! But you all need teacher to tell you only you want to do!" (Actually this is real @.@)

So, every year my class got scolded like this, from primary 1 to form 1.

Now I am thinking….Why I want go to A class T.T







Sunday, May 02, 2010


记者:大家好!欢迎收看华语烂到要死的华语新闻。今天,我只为大家带来了一个新闻. Er…. 现在要讲什么liao…




记者:这所学校有20个礼堂,没有这所,30个食堂,100000间课室,18间讲堂。 WalauA! 这所学校大到……>.<好了,进入正题了。

(这次整个laptop 都拿出来)

记者:自从公元前200年开始,这所学校每一位学生都说考试很难,很辛苦,至今年今月今日都 还在说同样一句话。这所学校总共有167位学生因考试压力而死了。所以我现在这一所学校的校长。

( 在学校走了1个小时,才找到校长室。)


校长:好吧,我给你喝我的Lemon Tea,超好喝的…^.^


校长:我姓笨,名叫蛋。可是你只可以叫我Mr.Bean Egg.我不喜欢人家叫我的华语名。






记者:可是,连家长都说考试题目对学生来讲48难。(48 = si be, 十分的意思)有307为家长都报过polis, 希望能取消考试制度。



校长:Aiyo! 你有完没完?我要Continue做我的东西!不要烦我!总之,考试is for their own good! This is not our fault! Bye Bye!




学生:哇~(哭)我要上厕所! (提醒你一下,这所学校没有厕所)






学生:Please say in English

记者:Can I interview you?


记者:Do you hate exam?

学生: 什么是exam?




记者:Can you please tell me your opinion about examination?

学生:Cakap bahasa Malaysia la!

记者:Bolehkan kamu berikan….(自己翻译)

学生:你是华人leh! 讲华语不可以meh?


学生:可以!当然可以!考试啊….会杀"死"人的!你看!我们一年考4次(烤面包??),UPSR的时候差不多每天都在考试,到了中学的时候一年考6次!Aiyo, 会被烦"死"!





学生:我不要tissue, 是你…你….你踩到我的脚了!T.T









N.C NO COPYRIGHT 制作人: 无知的小孩
