Tuesday, October 20, 2015


To be honest I've re-watched those two shows as much as I re-read Harry Potter series. But I still goes "asdfghjkl" as if it's the first time I watch the show.

I even got emotional for hearing the opening.
《红蝴蝶》, the opening for 《巾帼枭雄》,  uses red butterfly as a metaphor to the protagonist.
饱经挫折 伤口淌血都不至会磨灭

For the opening of 《义海豪情》 there's a sentence about the butterfly too,
蝴蝶長埋土地 情愫長留於天地
亂世中煙火 摧毀不了傳奇

Unlike 四奶奶 from 《巾帼枭雄》,  instead of being a respected and loved person who's a perfect leader, 九姑娘 is the exact opposite of it. She's a drug lord who even cooperate with Japanese during WW2 era. That's for the line  蝴蝶長埋土地
Despite her identity, she still tried as hard as she could in order to save people from the cruel world.
亂世中煙火 摧毀不了傳奇
I found out about this for a long time..maybe I've even posted this on here before. Whatever. Just wanna post it again because FEELS

omg I'm in love with these two dorks bye

Seriously I think they're my ultimate otp. Yeah they don't even hold hand they seldom hug each other they just considered themselves as friends asdfghjkl!!
Friends. Friends. She sat beside him during his younger sister's wedding. Friends~~ 

(According to tradition normally that seat is for his wife tho)

This might be the most romantic story I'll ever watched in my lifetime.
He'd never said he loved her, but his actions had proved everything he felt about her.
Lyrics for the opening song of 《义海豪情》.
He did that. That dork willingly saved her by getting himself shoot while he realized she was going to be assassinated.
The most romantic words he'd said isn't those typical "I love you" or whatnot.

And the moment she wondered who'll be waiting for her if she died,
Then she stared at him and her tears welled up.

There's a scene where she smiled to herself and he asked “九姑娘,你笑乜嘢?”

There's a parallel scene of this in 《巾帼枭雄》 where 四奶奶 smiled to herself and 柴九 asked her what she's smiling at.
“四奶奶你谂乜事甘好笑? ” 
They happily repeated those words they'd said years before, about 四奶奶帮 and 柴九's wish togive loads and loads of rice to his villagers. (He lived in a poor village)
Then the conversation suddenly changed into 四奶奶 scolding 柴九 because he endangered himself by saving her.

Oh no no that's just a twig in my eye.


The best thing about these two stories for me isn't only for the plot and the characters.
The best thing, is when I was helplessly in love with this story, there's a bunch of idiots around me making my obsession even worst lol

There's a time when 《义海豪情》 was currently broadcasting in Hong Kong, and Zhin Yee, who got Astro on Demand watched it and we discussed the story everyday.
We even SMS while watching TVB Awards Ceremony, fussing about why 《义海豪情》 didn't get the "Best drama" award. 
When I think about it now..it's actually not that big deal, winning or not. The show had proven to be the best show by it's ratings and how much people talked about it while it's broadcasting.

I kept rambling about 九姑娘 and 刘醒 and everything from the story whoever I met.
“九姑娘很帅!!!!!” is the sentence I repeated almost everyday after I saw the newest episode.
And they all will smile say "是啦是啦知道她很帅。"

I watched the show online. (geez it's not easy to find a China website without saying "抱歉,此视频只限于中国内地播放")
It's such a pleasure, knowing that many people loves the story you love.
Posts about the show is on my news feed EVERYDAY, until I forced myself to stop opening fb before I watched the newest episode to prevent spoilers.

Joey drew some sketches about the show, which turned me asdfghjkl every. damn. time.
Having the ability to draw is such a treasure writing it out doesn't fully express the scenario you'd imagined Orz

When 《巾帼枭雄》 was broadcasting on 8TV, most of my friends watched it. (Cause I kept nagging people around me to watch that show).
That time I became a wikipedia for that show for those who watched it the first time ehehehe~

We mimicked the characters from the show, playing around while teacher is not in class. Joey, Wan Nee, Sin Yee, Lian Qi, Zhin Yee all included. Khei Lai and Meng Yeng just standing beside laughing at our idiotic moves, being the few of normal people around.
Especially Zhin Yee. hmph I still remembered she mimicked 九姑娘's smirk, pointing at her handbag 3 times to 刘醒 after she killed 黑木。 (shows that she shoot that bastard 3 times, just as she promised.)
And Wan Nee. Her typical "Hehehehehe" face. She didn't even need to do anything, just came to my place and said “诶,九姑娘……” 
IS VERY COOL!!!!! yeahh I know right thanks for your information.

Haha there's one time I recommended Hooi Shin to watch 《义海豪情》, and her only comment is her eyes hurt after watching the whole show for...more or less in two days time.
wth who told you to watch it in two days do you even need to sleep??!!!

Most of these were given by Khei Lai....
I still remember the happiness whenever I saw those familiar words on the broadcasting list.
↑ Went to my relative's house to end the year 2011 by watching this finale =w=

As a normal and calm person she was one of the reason I'm so into this story.
I'm shocked by how many newspaper clippings I've got. lol
EVERY episode's summary. Omg I even wrote my reviews beside it!
[Imagine how well I am if I got the same amount of passion of this story towards my studies....*ahem ahem* not gonna happen.]

Do you know how much I loved the trip to 广州 in 2012?!
The first thing I thought about when my parents said we're going for a trip to 广州 (We got some relatives living there) is 《义海豪情》. Yes it's been two years since the I first saw the show but STILL.
And the excitement when we went to the museum. Wow. Just. Wow.

I've always thought 四奶奶 is some genius for solving those problems she faced in her business tho.
After re-watching it I can relate her problems and ideas with things learned from econs class. Those demand and supply which affect the living standard because rice is an inelastic good blah blah blah...

And the scene where 九妹 nearly caused 永业银行 to bankrupt by taking out millions of money. I don't understand the first time I saw it (Hey that time I'm just Form 1) until my dad explained the whole procedure.

lol maybe the reason I can do well...not very well la but okay lah, in econs is because of 四奶奶

It's been 5 years since the show. Five. Whole. Years. Since 18th October 2010.
(I won't ever forget this date because 18 and 28 is my lucky number...and 《义海豪情》 last episode aired at 28th Nov..talk about coincidence.)

Five years before I'd typed a review about the story.
Five years after that I wrote another review. But not just for the story. It's for those days where I was obsessed with these two stories, with a bunch of friends beside me listening to my stupid ramblings. 

"Happiness is having friends who are idiots."
Sin Yee shared this a few days ago.

Imagine that we'd got a chance to study together.
Imagine that we're all in the same class, same as few years before.

I'd be the one who ask "中午要吃什么?" every five minutes everyday after 10am. Cause I'm always hungry (and bored) during that time.
I would booked Khei Lai after every maths class because my add maths kinda sucks and she's the one who taught me during the past years.
I would stare at Joey and say things like "I"m don't wanna live at this planet anymore. Call me when the Doctor arrives." whenever I feel like giving up.
I'll hug Meng Yeng everyday cause I'm a hugger muahahahaha绵羊抱抱~~” then I'll get hugged by 欣煜 she's a hugger too. Worst of all I need to dodge her kisses.
Then Yee Ping will try to kiss 欣煜 just for fun, to show that she's the best in saying those flirtatious words.
I'll make some sarcastic remarks to Hooi Shin. That's one of my favourite past time... and Hooi Shin will force everyone of us to finish all the vegetables if we eat lunch together tho.
I think we'll be at the library discussion room whenever we got a chance cause the library is..well..too quiet.

And there's no need for me to sit by myself in the too-quiet or sometimes too-noisy library, facing the wall, doing revisions and homework.

 Well..nah that's just an imagination. Reality don't happen this way.

The most beautiful thing about stories is it'll never change unless you said so.
Time flies. Years had passed.
But the stories, the characters, they are who they used to be.

People said you'll feel nostalgic when you're alone.
Guess that's the truth. Seeing that I'm typing this in my home, on my bed, wearing the BK bright pink pj shirt during a whole week break from my exam.
But feeling nostalgic, missing times that passed, it's not a bad thing.
It teach me how grateful I should be to have these idiots around me.
Even though they weren't around me all the time like it used to be, but I still can go kacau them whenever I'm bored.
Or alone.

I just...miss you. All of you.

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