Wednesday, September 17, 2014


6 hours of Chemistry intensive class, 2 hours of Physics intensive class in a day.
NO reading novels, no chatting with friends and no scribbling inside notebook.
I prefer school. [sob]
The intensive classes does help, it's just that tuition is not really my thing. Orz

Khei Lai told me she dream about me wanting autograph from Steven Moffat (writer of Doctor Who and Sherlock).
To be honest I've never thought about wanting autograph from anyone (except...JK Rowling). I live in Malaysia duh.
And to think that I considered my dream about walking in TARDIS console room is weird.
(then I woke up hearing the music "I am the Doctor" because I set it as my alarm. After that I fangirled the whole day due to this dream.)

My sis's friends started to watch Doctor Who...
Okay I'm jelly. A bit. There's no one for me to talk to about the show in my class while she and her friend can randomly hum Doctor Who theme song or do something as weird as that.
It's weird, but cool.
Doctor Who theme song is cool. (Doo weee doooooo)
*insert Percy Jacskson "deal with it" picture here*

Flipping through pictures I've saved inside my handphone, and found these:

Anyone thought of Doctor? lol
TARDIS: You're like a nine-year-old trying to rebuild a motorbike in his bedroom. And you never read the instructions.
Doctor: I always read the instructions!
TARDIS: There's a sign on my front door. You have been walking past it for seven hundred years. What does it say?
Doctor: That's not instructions.
TARDIS: There's an instruction at the bottom. What does it say?
Doctor: "Pull to open."
TARDIS: Yes, and what do you do?
Doctor: I push!

Found a picture that describe fully about me:

I've been having these conversations for years. =w=

When the Doctor meets the Doctor and the Doctor:


Is it just me or anyone else noticed the Doctor is wearing Sherlock's purple shirt?
Or a purple shirt just like Sherlock's...


The Doctor said "Hi honey, I'm home " when he meet her. Even when they're inside a exploding TARDIS or at an alternate universe when time is dying...and I find that kinda cute =w=
Well this a bittersweet headcanon...

Headcanons for Teddy Lupin:

Nope nope nope nope

That's cute but cruel because we know what happened to Moody, Tonks and Lupin. Orz

Monster INC, anyone?


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