Monday, January 02, 2017

Sherlock: The Six Thatchers #reaction

New year, new me Sherlock.
Just finished the newest episode of BBC Sherlock and NO I'M NOT OKAY.
Well the first half is so domestic (domestic enough for the 221B gang) and the second half is emotional roller coaster.
It's nearly midnight so what I've wrote for this post will be a bit messy.
and I may have temporary loss the skill of writing coherent sentences after watching this episode.

Favourite/ memorable scenes and random thoughts:


Sherlock tweeting and being high.

John and Mary asking Sherlock, Molly and Mrs. Hudson to become Rosie's godparents.
YASS that's so sweet~♥

Sherlock with Rosie I repeat, SHerlock WITH ROSIE.

and Rosie hit Sherlock with the rattle hahahhahahha

The dog doing absolutely nothing.
Sherlock: "Fascinating."
↑ Totally me whenever I meet a dog

Sherlock showing a photo of Rosie to Mycroft. ROFL

John used a balloon as his substitute.

John your drawing skills sucks hahhahahaha

John texting the woman he met on bus wtf.
Seriously? what. the. fuck.
You do know you have a family right? WHY?

Mary to John, "I don't deserve you."
No I don't care what kind of assassin you were you deserve him shut up don't say things like this.

Mary saved Sherlock by taking the bullet.
(For those who complained and hated Mary for shooting Sherlock, you can stfu now.
(Please I'm so tired about those anti-Mary going around since season 3

Seconds before Mary dies,
"Hey Sherlock?"
"I so like you. Did I ever say?"
"Yes. Yes you did."
(Me: ugly sobbing)
(I'm quite fond of Sherlock  x Mary friendship

Mary to John,
"You're my whole world. Being Mary Watson was the only life worth living. Thank you."


 I'm tired of being mad at a show I love but Mary didn't deserve this kind of dead. Not to mention the difference between Sherlock and her getting shot + John reaction to both of them getting shot (John called the ambulance the second he saw Sherlock was injured but when Mary was shot he just?? imma talk to my dying wife omg no don't die and *makes chewbacca noise*
This episode is good.
It's definietly good, it got the elements Iwanted (Parentlock!, Sherlock John and Mary went out together to solve a case etc.), but there're too many illogical plot twist compared to previous episodes.
and it's totally unnecessary for Mary to die.

John being mad a Sherlock.

And I thought you texting the woman on bus is bad enough.
Yes Mary wouldn't be dead if Sherlock didn't text her to go to the aquarium but STILL.
It wasn't Sherlock's fault when Mary decided to save him ffs. IT IS NOT SHERLOCK'S FAULT.
Seriously John you blamed on Sherlock when he can't kept his vow of keeping your family save. Sherlock done his best saving Mary from her past and what you've ever done is texted anther random woman.

what the hell.
Damn I hate him.


Oh it's just Mary.
"...I'm giving you a case, Sherlock. Might be the hardest case of your career. When I'm gone, if I'm gone, I need you to do something for me. Save John Watson. Save him, Sherlock, save him."
Oh I don't need my heart at all~

About Mary's "Go to hell, Sherlock" in her video after end credits, there some theories about Mary being shady af and was actually the villain in this series, but for me I assume that go to hell is just an expression of how difficult it is for Sherlock to 'save' John.

Or could it be her telling Sherlock to go to Hell, a village in Norway?


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