Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride

I started watching it during Form 5 (feels weird that I can't write "last year" ), thus I'm one of those who are able to click "next episode" after the fall.

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride had been aired in cinemas in some countries during the New Year.
But not Malaysia, nope. Cause the show is not famous enough in this country.*sob*

2015, the year without any new episodes of Sherlock (and that's year I 犯太岁 hmmm maybe that's why things aren't getting well last year)
Sherlock fandom has always been crazy. 
Not to say I'm really proud of it. There some hatred between fans about ships and writers that you can only wish to un-see it when it appears on your dash.
Especially hatred about Mary Watson. And she's one of my favourite character hmph

After waiting for so long, I kinda get along with my life without the excitement from this show. 

omg YES.

And the game is on:

The shots, the trailers...everybody knows this Sherlock's special is on the Victorian era. 
But I've never thought of it to be inside Sherlock's mind palace.
Yes, his mind palace. Those scenes during the Victorian era are all his imagination after he had drugs and trying to solve a 120 years old case. 
In the real world, the incident took place right after series 3, where Sherlock's plane landed after Moriarty's "Did you miss me?"video spread throughout the media. 

There had been dozens of theories of Mary wearing black (the colour of mourning) in promo shots.
Did she lost someone recently? Her father died?? Her child died??? (she's pregnant during the end of season 3)

Nah she just pretended to be a client. To meet her husband who's rarely at home.

It's so heartwarming tho, seeing your otp quarreling about small and normal things. Last time John raised his voice is due to the fact that Mary shot Sherlock. So.. hmm about this "husband is always not at home" topic is quite normal.
And Sherlock was playing "Waltz for John and Mary", the piece he wrote for their wedding.
*★,°*:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*

One of my favourite scene:

hahahaha John's sign language sucks~

I thought this it's a joke for fans. There some Mycroft x Umbrella and Mycroft x Cake ships out there.
But then Sherlock was betting Mycroft's remain life span with him (2 years and 11 months)..could it be a hint that Mycroft will die in series 4?

The time of "real life" in the story is set right after series 3, which means around X'mas/ New Year of 2014.
If minus of the first month of 2014, which is when Sherlock was broadcasted, the time between Feb 2014 to 2017, the years where Sherlock series 4 will be broadcast, is exactly 2 years and 11 months.

That's rare to see Mycroft being so sentimental.
And the scene where he told John to look after Sherlock for him...

This episode is a perfect one for every shippers tho.
Sherlock x Moriarty

OS: dafuq is this a horror movie aarhhhhhh

Sherlock x Irene

 It's just a brief mention...but at least there's a brief mention *winks*

The fact that Molly always appear in Sherlock's mindpalace... =w=

Let's not forget Johnlock. Nobody forgets Johnlock.

...and every other scenes throughout the episode~~

John x Mary

And Mary's sass is so strong.

So...from the real world point of view Sherlock drugged himself, confirmed Moriarty is dead by solving a case 120 years ago, got of the plane, and went into the car.

You can't just end like this now we need to wait a whole year A DAMN WHOLE YEAR 366 DAYS for the Series 4!!!

What's "Moriarty" going to do??!!
And can I wanna see more about Mary's background.
And baby Watson!!
And Mycroft what about Mycroft?!?!? Is he really gonna die?!?!

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