Sunday, November 07, 2021


Two more months till 2022.

Majority of 2021 sucks, but not as bad as it I thought. 
At least I get to hang out with friends on weekends now since the government lifted the MCO. Or EMCO. FMCO. Whatever they call it.
Staying at home for a long period of time is bad, even for an introvert.
I appreciate that my company still allows us to work from home but it does get a bit lonely sometimes. Nearly all of my colleagues who were on the same team with me when I first joined already left / going to leave the company and I've never even saw them in real life. 

These past few days I was re-watching every episodes of 11th Doctor's seasons with the Ponds in it. 
A little girl Amy Pond waiting for her imaginary friend to sweep her of her feet from reality and see the stars. This story holds a special place in my heart.
And River Song.
The Doctor and his wife the time traveler archeologist. 
I've forgotten the part where they flirt shamelessly in front of River's parent HAHAHHAHA awkward moment when you realized your best friends are your imaginative is a person to come up with a story like that? 

The story does have its flaws and plot holes, but it feels good to rekindle the childish part of me again.

Got the number 11 when we went out for lunch yesterday. 
Coincidence, huh? 

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