I've decided not to watch "Once Upon A Time" episode by episode after last week episode, because
1. The kiss.
Yup my otp kissed. And I'm not really happy about it.
SO...Regina went to forest and met Robin Hood and kissed him after he said he will get her heart back. THIS IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER in my opinion.
[Flips table]
The evil queen, who cursed the whole population and murdered numerous people, kissed a man because she believes that he was her true love.
God I'm so done with this "true love" thingy.
Yeah maybe that's because inside her there's still a part where she longs for being loved and having a happy ending (frankly, it's kinda cute watching her and Robin flirt with each other =w=) but STILL.. Their relationship is too rush for me.
It seems that she like him just because Tinkerbell told her he's her true love. Gosh I want the evil Regina back. =3=
2. Wicked Witch's curse
Zelena wants to cast a curse which could travel back in time so that her sister will never been born, and the deads are able to be resurrect. Which, seems like pressing a refresh button.
No it's not because of time traveling.
I've read some stories about traveling back in time and some of them are pretty good.
I don't like the idea, correcting the mistakes you've done in the past....it's a fantasy. Too fantasy.
I said I decided not to watch OUAT every Monday. But,
Sis: You wanna watch it this evening?
Nope I'm not going to watch it.
Sis: But there's a Pringles and I wanna eat it while watching the show.
Nothing big happened in my life this few days...revisions and seeing others panicking as midyear exam is around the corner...revisions...stop reading novels but I read John Watson's blog and fanfics ...revisions and the "damn it I don't remember anything about this chapter" mood activated...
*Saw a skeleton in my bio reference book*
*Named the skull BILLY*
FYI the skull in 221B Baker Street is Billy.
Nowadays I keep talking about Sherlock to my sis...
Besides of the married couple John x Mary , I kinda like relationship between Mary and Sherlock. Dragon slayer and assassin. ^.^
Mary is like a older sister figure to him...maybe it's the scene where she knew Sherlock was fibbing makes me think like that.

Okay enough enough gotta go back to reality....
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